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This section of memory is not very useful in my opinion. I found somone who made a EEP struct in a program langauge that i did not understand that explained that these were in fact a tie breaker feature. If File A had a high score of 101 coins on WF but soon after File B got 101 coins in WF the score screen could not figure out which was better. So they added a feature were the oldest File to get the high score. In this case it would be File A that would be listed as getting the best Coin Score for WF. When i built my save file editor i did not include support for saving these coin 'ages'. Instead i set them all to 0 and let SM64 set them to default values for me. As far as i can tell this does not affect the game in any way. However i will do my best to discribe what i think these bytes do.

Coin Score Ages

Visual Map