Hazard Prevention

Japan has a well developed system for handling natural disasters.

How do they do it?

  • High Ground Travel Routes
    All over the urban area's of Japan, there are routes for people to go in the case of any major flooding or Tsunami as well as designated roads for emergency vehicles (Hurst, 2019, p. 7).
  • Flexible Buildings
    Skyscrapers are required to make the buildings bend like a cheese stick when a earthquake strikes (Hurst, 2019, p. 8). Even when it is is a 9.2 earthquake (Hurst, 2019, p. 8).
  • Water Pumps
    Underneath Tokyo, there is a large "cans" in the ground that can hold flood water so that the city doesn't flood (Hurst, 2019, p. 8).
  • Hazard Alert System
    In Kansai, the region that Kyoto is located in, there is an alert system that tells you if you are in a danger zone and will warn you about any incoming dangers (Hyemin, 2021, p. 2 - 6).

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